The project aims to act as an extension to the life of Lincoln Road, serving as a platform for connectivity and cultural ex-change. Through the intersection of rectilinear and circular forms, the proposal fosters a free plan, derived from a structural grid. The structure takes the form of three cylindrical volumes with thickened walls that carry the load above through an I-beam system. The load bearing, cylindrical volumes penetrate a rectilinear facade, creating the feeling that the building is hovering above the city scape. It also creates a distinction between heavy and light volumes in elevation. Cantilevering above the ground floor allows for the public sphere to be maximized. It acts as an integration between the interior and exterior environments, fostering a harmonious relationship between the building and its natural context. In order to allow for shading and natural light circulation, a double layer facade system wraps around the building. From the interior view, the mesh casts light and shadows into the space

Urban Context & Parti Diagrams

Floor Plans

Elevations & Sections